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List your Hogan qualification on the BPS Register of Qualified Test Users (RQTU)

If you want your Hogan qualifications to be listed on the British Psychological Society’s (BPS) Register of Qualified Test Users (RQTU), we can help.

Test User Ability & Test User Personality Training

As with all our courses, our Test User Ability & Test User Personality Training is comprehensive, regularly updated and will ensure you have a solid foundation on which to use psychometric tools ethically and appropriately. Our training is conducted via a blend of distance learning and face-to-face workshops, giving you the opportunity to study in your own time with full tutor support available.

Blended Learning Qualification

The Test User Ability & Personality course is split into five modules. Delegates complete the majority of the work via distance learning, at their own pace but typically devoting around 5-10 days. All delegates will be sent comprehensive notes to support their learning and will be allocated a dedicated Tutor who will offer ongoing support, via telephone or email, throughout the qualification process.

This involves four days of training:

  • BPS Test User Ability Workshop
  • Hogan Certification Workshop (2-days)
  • Hogan Advanced Interpretation Workshop

Upon successful completion of all coursework and practical days, delegates obtain the qualifications in Test User Ability, Test User Personality, the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and the Motives Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI), which will be submitted to the BPS for addition to the RQTU.

Starting from scratch?

If you have no prior BPS or Hogan qualifications, you will need to attend the following workshops in order to qualify for RQTU registration:

  • BPS Test User Ability – one-day Workshop plus pre- and post- coursework
  • Hogan Certification Workshop – two-day Workshop with short pre- and post- coursework
  • Hogan Advanced Interpretation – one-day Workshop

Hogan & BPS Package Cost: £4,150 + VAT

Already BPS qualified?

If you’re already Test User Ability (Level A) and Test User Personality (Level B) qualified, and now want to gain your Hogan qualification to add to the RQTU, you’ll need to attend three days of face-to-face training:

  • Hogan Certification Workshop – two-day Workshop with short pre- and post- coursework
  • Hogan Advanced Interpretation – one-day Workshop

Interpretation Package Cost: £3,350 + VAT

Already Hogan certified?

If you’re already Hogan certified and want to list your Hogan qualification on the BPS Register of Qualified Test Users (RQTU), you need to attend a BPS Test User Ability Workshop and the Hogan Advanced Interpretation Workshop as well as submitting some additional course work.

  • BPS Test User Ability – one-day Workshop plus pre- and post- coursework Hogan Advanced Interpretation – one-day Workshop

BPS workshop cost: £2,200 + VAT

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