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Our consultancy solutions are based on leading-edge psychological research

Working with global organisations, our team of business psychology consultants have extensive experience in helping to raise performance through effective assessment, development and engagement.


Our consultancy toolkit

Psychological Consultancy (PCL) has developed a high quality toolkit of assessments that can be drawn upon to maximise the impact of consultancy work. This includes the Hogan Assessments, gold standard personality assessments that have been used in practice for over 25 years, and the EQi measure of Emotional Intelligence. Alongside this, PCL has developed our own portfolio of highly regarded psychometric assessments, based on considerable research and testing. These include the Risk Type Compass and Profile:Match2®.

Using the insights from the chosen assessments, we can objectively identify individual/group strengths and weaknesses, and enable development and growth across the full spectrum of personal qualities, from Emotional Intelligence to self-awareness to risk propensity and attitudes towards decision making.

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