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Research shows that high levels of employee engagement are associated with increased productivity, commitment, profitability, customer-focus, safety, organisational citizenship and employee retention. Studies also reveal that many employees are not fully engaged or are actively disengaged from their work.

PCL’s Employee Engagement Survey (EES) evaluates organisations against twelve key levers of engagement.

  1. Organisational Affiliation
  2. Appreciation and Respect
  3. Autonomy and Influence
  4. Opportunities for Growth
  5. Work-life Balance
  6. Reward Culture
  7. Quality of Relationships
  8. Work Culture
  9. Work Environment
  10. Communication
  11. Leadership
  12. Quality of Supervision

Employees receive individual reports providing a psychometric measure of their engagement against each of the 12 levers of engagement, as well as their overall engagement level. Organisational reports include the results of all survey responses together with key analyses, workforce demographics and any specific project objectives agreed in advance.

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